Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Transformation

Last night I went to church with Randy at the Terre Haute Church of God, Awaken Student Ministries. It was AWESOME. This is the beginning of something new, and something good - I can feel it. I'm working on my relationship with Christ, because I want to be where he wants me. This is where the transformation begins. 2011 is my year, and I will no longer let the world push me around. I'm excited to see what God does in my life this year. I'm aggressively seeking him.

Right now I'm going through a bit of a rough patch, a valley per say. But as the last two sermons I've heard have been about valleys, coincidence? I think not. In the valley is where things grow. The valley is where you realize how strong you are and that you can make it up another mountain. And once you reach one mountain top, you see many more from there. I am in the valley right now, growing and building strength. God never offers victories without fighting, but He says, help will always come in time.

I'm excited, and patient. Waiting, on the Lord.



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