Saturday, December 11, 2010

In accordance to Thursday

Does anyone else ever use words they aren't 100% sure about the meaning of? I do it all the time. My thoughts? "I hope that means how I used it, because it sounds right."

Time Travel:
Back to Thursday, December 9th, 2010. One of the best nights of my life. Traveled to Ohio with Danny and Kyan. Saw Alcatraz Circa 1962, Counterparts, Legends, Monsters, Hundredth, SHAI HULUD, and Abacabb. This was Abacabb's farewell tour. Shai Hulud was so amazing. I got to meet Matt while Hundreth was playing. We watched Monsters, then Shai Hulud set up. Front row, I got to see my favorite band ever. After about the first or second song, I was pretty pumped and decided to throw down. Not even seven seconds after stepping away from the stage, I'm on the ground. I stepped back, started dancing, and BOOM. Chokeslammed and I'm on the ground with some burly guy dressed in all black on top of me. I felt his elbow wrap around my throat and start to take me down, so I decided to grab his shoulder and take him down with me.(LOL)I got up, and the kid standing beside me goes O_o "Are you okay?!" I was like, "Yeah man, I'm alright. My jaw kind of hurts though." haha
The set list wasn't as long as I would have liked, it never is though. Matt made sure to dedicate Given Flight By Demon's Wings to me, which was AMAZING!

Golden moment of the night...
During Given Flight, Mike came down and put his forehead to mine with the mic in between us and we sang, "Breathe easy friend, let not bitter fruit sour your breath, you were once a gentleman." Best. Moment. EVER!
Afterwards Mike came up and gave me hug and thanked me for being a good fan. :] I love when that happens.

So we headed home after getting Denny's in Ohio and it started snowing when we dropped Danny off. The ride home was scary, and I thought I was going to lose my life. I did not, obviously.

I visited my parents Friday night and they invited me to move back home for winter break. (Yay!)

This is a recollection of my past few days. Finals week is coming up on Monday, I will gone until further notice. In the meantime, I leave you with this note:


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