Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Trigger

After listening to Light's song, I wonder - "Who will drive my soul?" She is a great influence, I ran across this song on 8tracks.com. If you don't listen, I highly suggest this site for music, it stomps Pandora - no doubt.

So, this Thursday my new friend Danny and I are traveling to Ohio to see Shai Hulud. I could not be a more happy girl. (okay so maybe if they played "Love is the Fall"). But coincidentally, I became friends with Matthew Fox, who is one of the original members of Shai Hulud. I love to pick this guy's brain, and play scrabble with him. I cannot wait for this show, I think it's going to be the best show ever. I just hope I don't die in the pit. :]

I'm going to see my parents tomorrow, which is hopefully going to go well.

Elizabeth and I were talking about how crazy fast things can change in a year.
Let's rewind a bit, last October:
-I had just started modeling
-I was working for Res Life
-Had stopped being friends with Holleh, and started being friends with Kera
-Had just discovered Lydia, which is how I met Heath

-NOT working for res life (LOL)
-Not living with my parents
-Single for 9 months
-No ONE best friend, but a lot more friends
-Working for the Emerson? haha
-Have had over 50 photoshoots

Ok, some of these "accomplishments" are lame, but they are what's changed in the past year. There are a lot more, just things I'm not comfortable spilling on the internet. :x
Hopefully, I'll have made as much progress next year. I'm not going to lie, I've been through SO much in the past year. Homeless, heartbroken, lost some friends (physically and figuratively), trials. But all this has helped me travel this journey and write my story.

What has the last year done for you?


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