Monday, December 12, 2011


Tonight I went to Bible study at Calvary Temple. I had messed my knee up about a month and a half ago playing ga-ga. Well, when that had happened Lawrence asked if he could pray for me. I told him no, and that I was fine. I've been in excruciating pain since then. So, I asked him to pray for me tonight. He, Darrien, and his girlfriend all prayed for me. I felt my knee heal right then and there. It's FINE, no pain. It's healed. It's amazing to first hand witness something like that. I thank GOD For this divine healing. I have seriously been in SO much pain, and it's all gone now!!!! :D

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Blog Title in Japanese

Yuka taught me how to say my blog name in Japanese :] It's really cool.. So I thought I'd share :D

Daiku kiss cocolocala utchgoshi oiday

that's my interpretation of the spelling haha

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holding Tight

Here is a short update:

Sierra and I drove to Indy yesterday. Because I wouldn't go in this crackhouse with my mom, she wouldn't give me my money. She refused to give it to me unless I went in this house. I was NOT going in that house, and if you saw it, neither would you. So I didn't get my money. My brother, did, however buy the part I need for my car. I have a buddy who looked at it last night, and he might fix it today. :] If not, my brother is going to come down and fix it. I love him. He gave some really good advice, and I appreciate that.

Instead of getting mad at God, I am still holding to His promises. He told me to go there..and I went. I'm holding strong to 2 Corinthians 9:8 right now. God is teaching me things, and I'm trying to understand that. I know He wouldn't just have me running around not knowing what I'm doing. I didn't get the money, but that's okay because God will STILL provide. :]

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

God gives

So, my $700 refund I've been waiting for all semester? Well it came....but it came to my mom. She was infuriated when I called and told her about it, and said she was sending it back and that it would mess up her disability. This was two days ago, she got angry and said she'd call me back in a few days. I had this urgency in me to call her today. I called her, and before I could even ask her about anything, she said she had got the refund and cashed the check (just like my uncle said she would do). After explaining that she invited my sister over last night, blew a bunch of the money and gave my sister $100, she was keeping some to buy her a pair of shoes. She asked if it were okay if she give me $300. I said yes, because I figured that was better than nothing. I had been in the tanning bed, thinking about it when I got the urgency to call my mother. After tanning, and while I was getting dressed, I talked to God. I said, "God, have your way in this call. Do what you want with this money. If you don't want me to have it, then I don't want any of it. But if you give it to me, I'd be thankful too." My mom told me she had given her neighbor lady some money too, and used some of it to buy a 30 pack of beer and a carton of cigarettes. Personally, I think it's unfair she used my school money to just squander away, when I need the money for living expenses and books. BUT God is a just God and a fair God, and He gave me what He thought I needed. It's $300 more than what I had, so for that I'm thankful. God will see to it that I am provided for. It just really hurts my feelings that my "family" would take this money from my school and just blow it on stuff. My sister wasn't even going to tell me. If it weren't for me going to school and furthering myself, they wouldn't even have ever seen that money. It frustrates me, and I feel like I got stabbed in the back and wronged. But like I said before, God will take care of me. He will judge them for what they've done, and it's not my place.

I'm waiting for Sierra to get done with a meeting, and she is going to let me borrow her truck to go to Indy. Thank God, because my car would NOT make it that far with the CV joint like it is right now.

Thank you, Lord, for being sovereign and always providing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Life is a Roller Coaster

So, life has been a roller coaster lately. I cannot even begin to explain all the things that have been going on. I'm being refined through the fire, and that's okay. I've had revelation about my "friends" and that's okay too.

I deactivated my Facebook about an hour ago. It's going to remain that way until after all my finals. I also logged out of my Tumblr and am not going to get back on it until after finals.

I thought I was failing my Pediatrics class, but I met with my professor today, and she said I still have a shot. So, I'm working my butt off, because I can only miss questions on the final.

I'm in the library...not getting anything done. I need to go find my book, and buy a couple more notebooks. I know that's a silly excuse to stop studying, but that's what I've got to go do.

I'm about to work on my paperwork for my Discipleship class at church. I am amazed at how far God has brought me, just this year alone! I am SO excited for SALT. SALT is the Chi Alpha winter retreat...and I'm going! Someone is sponsoring me, so I will be able to go! :D

In other words... I cannot get over A Loss For Words. They are seriously in my Top 5 bands of all time. Matt's voice, is angelic, and I love them.

That is all for now, more exciting things to come! :]

Monday, December 5, 2011

Been a while

Wow, have not posted in a very long time! I plan on updating this more recently, as some insight to my spiritual walk. Hope all my readers enjoy. :]