Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Life is a Roller Coaster

So, life has been a roller coaster lately. I cannot even begin to explain all the things that have been going on. I'm being refined through the fire, and that's okay. I've had revelation about my "friends" and that's okay too.

I deactivated my Facebook about an hour ago. It's going to remain that way until after all my finals. I also logged out of my Tumblr and am not going to get back on it until after finals.

I thought I was failing my Pediatrics class, but I met with my professor today, and she said I still have a shot. So, I'm working my butt off, because I can only miss questions on the final.

I'm in the library...not getting anything done. I need to go find my book, and buy a couple more notebooks. I know that's a silly excuse to stop studying, but that's what I've got to go do.

I'm about to work on my paperwork for my Discipleship class at church. I am amazed at how far God has brought me, just this year alone! I am SO excited for SALT. SALT is the Chi Alpha winter retreat...and I'm going! Someone is sponsoring me, so I will be able to go! :D

In other words... I cannot get over A Loss For Words. They are seriously in my Top 5 bands of all time. Matt's voice, is angelic, and I love them.

That is all for now, more exciting things to come! :]


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